The Rundberg Educational Advancement District (READ)Alliance
Category : Blog
Rundberg Educational Advancement District (READ) Alliance is a coalition of local individuals and organizations who work together to create a healthier and more vibrant Rundberg area for school children and their families. READ Alliance supports the Rundberg neighborhood through local family events, student-led beautification projects, and sharing ongoing events in the Rundberg area. Some of the ongoing collaborative projects for the Alliance included:
In collaboration with students from the R.E.A.D. Alliance, local artists painted the cistern at Barrington Elementary School in the rain garden. The images incorporated drawings from students who live in the Rundberg Education Achievement District.

Every year, R.E.A.D. Alliance hosts a Spring Festival to celebrate the many incredible cultures present in the neighborhood.
Every October R.E.A.D. hosts a Fall Festival and Trick-Or-Treat Safe Zone on Rundberg Lane. Families and kids can enjoy activities and games while walking Rundberg Lane. Local business owners open their doors for trick-or-treating. Neighborhood Police greet families and ensure everyone has a fun and safe night on Rundberg Lane.
The Rundberg Educational Advancement District (READ) was created in 2014 at the initiative of Austin Police District Representative Ray Kianes as a way to sustain the tremendous reduction in criminal activity at I35 and Rundberg Lane as part of the Restore Rundberg neighborhood revitalization initiative, when he realized that, with the opening of IDEA Rundberg in 2015, the whole area located along Rundberg Lane between North Lamar Boulevard and Cameron Road, from Barrington and Guerrero-Thompson Elementary Schools to Dobie Middle School and Dobie Pre-K.
Interested in Getting Involved? Below is some contact information
Events: [email protected]
Beautification: [email protected]
Communications: [email protected] you’re not on the READ listserv but would like to be please email: [email protected]
Interested in staying connected? Follow the at Facebook by clicking HERE.