Day: April 21, 2016

Fear’s Impact – It’s Bigger Than You Think!


Barbara Metzger is the founder and president of Maximize, which she formed in 1990. She has created, facilitated and/or lead a wide range of development projects. Having used internationally validated assessments for the past 25 years, she has specialized in selection at all levels and maximizing executive teams. Having done thousands of validated assessments, Barbara’s strength is exceptional in understanding people’s behavior, motivation and interpersonal dynamics. Another strong consideration is how values impact the team, the company and the productivity. She is also very effective using an Emotional Intelligence assessment and coaching to raise the EQ level of the individual or the team to have a positive impact on profits. An accomplished trainer, consultant and professional speaker, Barbara’s extensive theoretical knowledge is grounded in practical, real-world experience. Barbara also provides management consulting, executive coaching and general people problem solving.

We had the privileged  of having Barbara Metzger  speak on how to recognize fear in your world, it’s widespread impact, and some ideas on limiting the negative impact on your life. She gave us some clear take-away and resources like Ted Talk links on the power of vulnerability www:// _vulnerability and listening to shame .

Fear's Impact

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