Day: September 6, 2016

Fall Is In the Air


By:  Rachel Lupercio, LMFTA, Excelerated Living

With the change from summer to fall comes a regrouping for many of us to kick it in gear from our playful season to a more disciplined lifestyle.  Students have begun to settle in with homework and waking up early and parents stress over keeping it all together.  Suddenly the seriousness of life begins to take a toll on the family as the everyday struggles take hold day in and day out.   Before you know it the upcoming holidays will begin making their appearance in the department stores and our mindsets will shift again as the build up towards the end of the year unfolds.

We as humans are very busy with all the doing of life.  Perhaps though we can take a step back and rewind how we determine to walk through this season and dare I say take it one step further our life.  I would bring to mind for your consideration that as humans we innately crave interaction and connection with others.  If in fact that is true then our internal operating system could be activated and threaded in our doing by keeping in mind our need and value we place on relationships.  When we bring to consciousness our values in creating a life that is fulfilling we can then attach our doing with our being.  Being in a state of mindfulness towards our values assists us with remembering why we do what we do.  That is to say, whether it is work or play knowing what you value most and letting them assist in determining your behavior and decisions make for a greater chance to have the life you most desire as a human being.

Fall Is In the Air

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