Month: October 2017

Meet Liliana Lozada-Beverido, Communications Coordinator for Texas Organ Sharing Alliance (TOSA)


Liliana is the Communications Coordinator for Texas Organ Sharing Alliance (TOSA). TOSA serves Central and South Texas offering organ recovery and donation services for individuals and families who wish to offer others a second chance at life via organ donation. TOSA is one of the 58 Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO) in the nation. Liliana works to inspire the community using the stories of donor families and transplant recipients to show the power each one of us have to save lives as organ donors.

Liliana is married to Jason and a mother of two handsome boys, Carlo and Luca who she refers as “her world”. She is a Salsa dancer, instructor and performer. She is also a life coach and a blogger. Beverido is the Co-Founder of AMHIGA Hispana the first non-profit organization in Austin that aims to empower Hispanic women in Austin providing them with the tools they need to become successful, to integrate to their communities and increase their family’s quality of life and their own free of or at a very low cost . Liliana is very versatile and whether she is dancing, being an MC, or a speaker her positive energy and ¡si se puede! (Yes you can!) is contagious.


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