Keep Austin Beautiful three month beautification project at Quail Creek Park
Category : Blog
Half dozen University of Texas Black business students, North Austin Civic Association members, and another half dozen Keep Austin Beautiful volunteers gathered at Quail Creek Park to kick off the creek cleanup three months beautification project in February and the efforts continue in April. Quail Creek Park is recognized by its large grove of hack-berry trees. This park boasts a playground and picnic tables in 16 acres in north Austin. Few Austin parks boast such wonderful shade. Keep Austin Beautiful empowers citizens to take personal responsibility for enhancing the community’s environment by hosting these types of projects.
April 16th and 30th the efforts will continue, “we will engage the community around the park in litter abatement, creek restoration, native landscape installation, and park beautification,” and “future projects will include restoration work such as invasive removal, bank stabilization, and planting of natives plants, as well as mulching of park trees and possible public art installation”, announced Keep Austin Beautiful. View more details on how to get involved: