Day: December 11, 2019

Demand Job Training

High Demand Job Training Program


The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has dedicated one million dollars to support collaborations between Workforce Development Boards (Boards) and Economic Development Corporations (EDCs) to provide high-demand occupational job training in local workforce areas. Funds will be available through August 30, 2020.

The High Demand Job Training Program is intended to support Boards in partnering with local EDCs that use their local economic development sales taxes for high-demand job training. To achieve that purpose, TWC wants to enable Boards to collaborate with local EDCs and match their local economic development sales tax funds to jointly support the provision of such training. Funds are available to the Boards on a first come first serve basis or until funds are exhausted.

Boards may use Agency grant funding to support Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)-allowable, high demand job training activities and related direct costs, including individual participant recruitment; skills assessment; job search skills improvement, job search, job referral; equipment; and minor renovation of facilities used for Program-related job training.

For more information on this program, click HERE.

Or contact  [email protected].

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