Soul-y Austin exists under the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department’s emerging Commercial Stabilization Program, which aims to promote, support, and improve Austin’s commercial areas and corridors. Soul-y Austin will select a number of commercial areas to work with and provide the businesses with the education and resources needed to successfully form merchants associations in their business districts. As part of the Soul-y Austin program, businesses in the selected commercial corridors are required to participate in the merchant’s association formation training. The training, led by Andrea Harrington from Texas CBAR, addresses legal aspects of merchants associations including the different types of organizations and what their main goals are, the application process, and how associations maintain legal status.
The training serves as a resource for businesses prior to any decision making. Businesses in each of the Soul-y Austin districts will have to vote on which type of organization or association they would like to be, they will need to select their president and board members, and will need to decide what the membership dues will be, etc. Without any prior knowledge about the process, businesses might make unfounded decisions that can jeopardize the success of their merchants association and impact the future of their commercial corridor.
For more information on this effort please contact Nicole Klepadlo, Project Manager at (512) 974-7739 or by email at

Manor Road businesses is an example of a group that recently embarked on the adventure of working with the Soul-y Austin program in hopes of forming a Manor Road Merchants Association. With the hopes of creating a greater future for their corridor, a number of businesses on Manor Road approached the Soul-y Austin Program Manager in early 2015 and expressed interest in participating as one of the commercial districts for the City’s initiative. The Manor Road corridor, which is bordered by IH-35 and Airport Boulevard, is home to a variety of businesses and services which include a unique selection of bars, restaurants, and shops.
The impact of surrounding development in East Austin has put pressure on Manor Road businesses as rising rents are forcing businesses and residents out of the area. In.gredients, Windmill Bicycles, Haymaker, Dane’s Body Shop, and SchoolHouse Pub are a few of the Manor businesses involved in addressing these issues, and they are closely collaborating with the Soul-y Austin team assisting their area.
Businesses have been attending monthly meetings in which they are educating themselves on how they can improve their district both physically and economically. Manor Road businesses consistently state how their corridor is in need of physical improvements, and how improving the district would attract more pedestrian traffic therefore increasing the economic vitality of the area. Sidewalk improvements, increased walkability, and safety are a few of the priorities identified by the businesses. Businesses have also recognized how Manor Road is a bikeable corridor that provides individuals and families with a variety of nighttime activity. Additionally, Manor Road businesses are highly interested in collectively branding and promoting their corridor – they are unifying to develop strategies that will fulfill and exceed the expectations of Manor Road visitors.
The Soul-y Austin team is working on identifying themes that will contribute to the development of the Manor Road District plan; the plan will address the corridor’s vision and mission, and will provide businesses with clear goals and objectives that will lead to an enhanced and stabilized district.
The district is preparing for their workshop which will take place in early spring 2016. From there, the businesses will form a Manor Road Merchants Association and work together to accomplish the goals outlined in their district plan. The Soul-y Austin program and Manor Road businesses are looking forward to a 2016 filled with success and accomplishments. The City of Austin would like to thank the businesses within the Manor Road District for the continuous effort on making this initiative successful. For more information on the Manor Road efforts with Soul-y Austin click here.